Photo Credit: National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House

Susan B. Anthony Museum & House

The National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House in Rochester, New York was the home of the legendary American civil rights leader, and the site of her famous arrest for voting in 1872. This home was the headquarters of the National American Woman Suffrage Association when she was its president. This is also where she died in 1906 at age 86, following her “Failure is Impossible” speech in Baltimore.

Courage, tenacity, compassion: with these traits, Susan B. Anthony’s leadership earned the respect of even her critics and opponents. Visit the home where she lived and worked. Stand in the front parlor where she was arrested for voting. Be inspired by this champion of human rights for all.

“The National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House is more than history—this wonderfully preserved site, where Anthony and her colleagues planned and created and fought over the movement that won women—us—our rights, is also an inspiration for the future—a symbol of what the truly committed can accomplish, in any era and any country…And it all happened right here.” –Lynn Sherr, award-winning journalist & author

Come visit! The National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House is open for docent-led tours by online reservation only.

Go to for information and tour times.