Photo Credit: Jim Montanus

Submit an Event

You are invited to add your organization’s event to Visit Rochester’s online calendar. We want to help spread the word about your event and promote what your organization has going on to visitors coming to Rochester and the Finger Lakes! Before submitting your event, please review our guidelines linked here and then submit your event below. 

Visit Rochester’s event calendar is primarily arts, entertainment and culture focused, appealing to visitors and locals alike. Your event must take place in the Greater Rochester region- specifically Monroe County and the Finger Lakes. To be approved, events must be open to the public and of interest to potential visitors.  

Please fill out ALL the fields below including uploading a high-resolution, horizontal image (no logos or posters) that represents your event. Include a detailed description of the event and any important details. Remember, you are explaining the event to people who may not be familiar with your organization or your mission. Select the most appropriate event categories—you can select more than one category. 

Please note that your event will not automatically be added to the calendar once you click “Submit Event.” This will start the event information approval process. Visit Rochester staff reserves the right to approve or deny events at its own discretion. You will be notified if your event is not approved based on the event guidelines.