Visit Rochester, the official tourism promotion agency for Monroe County, was recently recognized with two New York State Tourism Excellence Awards, presented by the New York State Tourism Industry Association (NYSTIA). Visit Rochester was recognized for excellence in tourism marketing in the Niche Marketing and Public Relations categories for work on the following campaigns:

Excellence in Tourism Marketing: Niche Marketing, “Come Play in Our Backyard" - Visit Rochester's Family Marketing Campaign from Visit Rochester

With more than 75 experiences for families within an hour’s drive of Rochester, the family travel market is of critical importance to Visit Rochester. To reach the family travel audience and make a compelling case for choosing Rochester their next family travel destination, Visit Rochester launched a multichannel campaign focused on the family travel market.

Excellence in Tourism Marketing: Public Relations Campaign, “Rochester Rising, Sparking a Message of Goodwill and Hope" from Visit Rochester

As the first few weeks of the pandemic marched by, Visit Rochester recognized the need to inject positive news and sentiment into a community that was scared and stressed over the uncertainty caused by the pandemic. It was with this in mind in early April that Visit Rochester launched the Rochester Rising initiative. Rochester Rising is a collection of all the good things and positive news stories happening in Rochester, gathered and presented to the public to instill a sense of hope and optimism for locals and visitors alike during a challenging time.

NYSTIA Awards Presentation 2021
Visit Rochester staff accepting New York State Tourism Excellence Awards with Bob Provost, NYSTIA President. 

COVID-19 presented a disproportionate challenge to the tourism industry. Tourism related or dependent businesses were among the most adversely affected due to COVID regulations and restrictions. Large meetings and events were canceled, and many venues were closed or subject to severe capacity restrictions. Tourism industry professionals redirected their efforts in new directions, supporting local residents and sustaining local businesses, while rising to the occasion to meet unprecedented health related guidelines and special needs for travelers.

The New York State Tourism Excellence Awards are juried by an impartial panel of industry experts under the auspices of the New York State Tourism Industry Association. Nominations were up 250% vs 2019 and the judges were challenged by both the volume and the caliber of the entries.

“Working collaboratively in New York State’s tourism community enables you to network with some of the best minds, most experienced individuals and trendsetting thought leaders in the global tourism industry.” states Bob Provost, President of the New York State Tourism Industry Association (NYSTIA). “The individuals, campaigns, initiatives and projects being honored are world-class. I am humbled by their achievements and service to their communities in 2020.”

About Visit Rochester

Visit Rochester is the official tourism promotion agency for Greater Rochester and Monroe County. Visit Rochester is a membership organization with over 400 members representing, lodging, retail, restaurants, services, and community organizations. Working together with our members and partners, our mission is to sell and market Greater Rochester as a preferred destination in order to grow and maximize visitor spending and to enhance the economy.

About New York State Tourism Industry Association
The New York State Tourism Industry Association (NYSTIA) advances economic growth, job creation, community revitalization, quality of life and pride of place by realizing the potential of New York State's tourism industry and facilitating the success of its members. We serve New York State's tourism industry through collaborative initiatives, research, legislative awareness, and exceptional marketing.